Starting Tuesday October 24th.
Game time 5.30 sharp
Register here now…
Less than a week til hit off.!! Games start at Tuesday 24th 5.30 sharp (or we will run out of light…so please ask you players to be there early).
Registrations are rolling in but still lots not registered, so remind your players they can NOT take the field if they are not registered.
I have attached an information sheet SUMMER 6’S General Information 2017
and the general rules 2017 SUMMER 6’S RULES
The draw will go up on the portal, Facebook & website and I will send out once completed.
Serious 6’s –
Dude Ranch (Maddie Shaw – Grey shirt and Black Socks),
Doddsballs (Kelli Peressini – Orange shirt and Royal Blue socks),
Great Northerners (Dawn Guilfoyle/Sam Duck – Maroon shirt and Yellow socks)iIDK (Georgia Doull – Black shirt and Maroon socks) TT (Tayla Toshach – Blue shirt & Red socks)
Tolga Brolgas – (Anita Curcio & Riley Pollen – Purple shirt and ?? socks)
Scrambled Legs (Karen Mitchell Orange shirt and Orange socks),
Black Sheep (Tracey Rothwell – Black and Teal shirt and ?? socks)
Plastered Chicks ( Purple shirt and Black socks)
M & M’s (Fi Masasso – Red shirt and red socks)
Bandits (Paul Hubner – Blue shirt and Blue socks)
Ya Bish (Chrissie Mehmet – Pink shirt and Pink socks)